Wednesday, 27 April 2011

London Marathon

Well what a pain!

I'm really disappointed with what happened at London but really feel that I only have myself to blame. I ended up dropping out with a twinging muscle at just past the half way mark. Very upset as I really had hopes of doing something special there.

The reason I feel it was my fault is because I got myself into a bit of stress at the start (no change there really). The gun went and I just felt really congested and like I was held up behind loads of people running slower than I wanted to be running. So I started dodging around people and speeding up and slowing down. All this I think lead to me twinging my leg. It started niggling around 5k but I didn't think much of it. By 10k it was quite bad but I was still ignoring it. By about 16k I seriously started to wonder if I was going to last much longer as it was really affecting the way I was running. Then 20k and I knew I couldn't go on and was just looking for somewhere to stop. Eventually I saw St John's Ambulance so decided this was the best place.

All that training and focus on the race and then down to a moment of stupidity its gone! Oh well, you live and learn! In future it doesn't matter if I'm held up at the start of a marathon as being 1 or 2 mins down at 5k is really not the end of the world in a marathon and its probably for the best to start off a bit slower.