Monday, 22 September 2008

Did the Sutton Six 10k yesterday. Came 1st in 36.28 and it was also the Cheshire Champs. Ran comfortably with no pressures to do anything time wise. The girl who came 2nd was thanking me for pulling her around in a pb! That's probably what I could have done with for the the previous 10k's I've done this year! Might have got my times then.

Season over and finished on a high with that 10k and also the London duathlon.
A nice break from training now with a holiday to Portugal in October – can't wait!!

Monday, 15 September 2008

A much happier KC now!! I won my race yesterday!! It was the London duathlon and I took part in the elite race. I was so nervous in the build up before the race. Took the first run nice and easy picking it up just before transition in case I messed things up. On the bike I was hoping the girl I ran with was going to be there so we could take advantage of it being a drafting race and work together. There seemed to be no sign of her so I had to get on with it. Came through in 1st off the bike then onto the 2nd run where I stayed in first and won by 2 minutes!! Really pleased.

Friday, 5 September 2008

I'm feeling so disappointed. I had news a couple of days ago that I haven't made the team for the worlds. I understand that I haven't made the times for 5k and 10k (managed to squeeze 2 more races in – 26 July 10k at Battersea Park and 4 August 5k at Battersea Park came 1st in both with times just outside what I needed). What is most frustrating is that there are places to take four girls but they are only taking one!
I feel let down with the time frame I was given to get these times – 4 weeks isn't really enough, considering I've been asking since March. I also think I was trying to do too many races in this time to try to get these times.
Anyway enough gloominess about it all. I'm just gonna make sure I work hard during the winter, hopefully stay injury free and come back next year ready to prove myself.
I'm going to do the elite race at the London duathlon in a few weeks time and prove what I'm capable of. So watch this space......!